Journées Chevreul 2007 : Lipids and Brain I

Du 13/03/2007

Au 14/03/2007

Bernadette Delplanque

• Introduction
Fritz Spener

Metabolism of PUFA

• Lipids in Evolution - were they the masters of the DNA ?
Pr M. Crawford ; Institute of Brain Chemistry, London Metropolitan University, United Kingdom

• Modeling DHA incorporation and metabolic conversion of n-3 PUFA in cultured cells

Dr J.M. Alessandri and Dr Ph. Guesnet, INRA, Paris, France

PUFA for brain development in early life

• Perinatal long chain polyunsaturated fatty acid supply - are there long term consequences ?

Dr H. Demmelmair, University of Munich, Germany

 n-6 fatty acid metabolism in the newborn : is linoleic acid sufficient in meeting the demand for arachidonic acid ?
Drs R. Pawlosky, A. Llanos, Y. Lin, N. Salem and R. Uauy, NIH, Bethesda, USA

• DHA involvement in neurotransmission process
Dr S. Vancassel, INRA, Paris, France

 Effects of n-3 PUFA deficiency on the expression of nuclear receptors and synaptic plasticity markers in rat brain

B. Buaud, PhD Student, ITERG-Nutrition Dpt/University of Bordeaux, France

PUFA and aging desorders

• ω3 PUFA, Brain Energy Substrates and Brain Function During Aging
Pr S. Cunnane, University of Sherbrooke, Canada

• Understanding Alzheimer’s disease prevention - the role of lipids and diet
Pr T. Hartmann, University of Homburg/Saar, Germany

 Neuroprotective effects of DHA in Alzheimer’s disease models
Dr T. Pillot, Inserm, Nancy, France

- The use of DHA in treatment of patients in an early stage of Alzheimer’s diseases
Dr. M Bryhn, EPAX AS, Lysaker, Norway

• Alpha-Linolenic acid treatment confers protection against cerebral or spinal cord ischemia via the TREK-1 channel
Dr C. Heurteaux, CNRS, Nice, France

• n-3 PUFAs in health and disease of the retina

Dr N. Acar, INRA, Dijon, France

PUFA for behaviour troubles and related pathologies

• PUFAs and risk of cognitive decline or dementia : epidemiological data
Dr P. Barberger-Gateau, University of Bordeaux, France

• n-3 PUFAs and mood disorders
Dr P. Astorg, Inra, Paris, France

• Antiepileptic ketogenic diet
Dr J. Vamecq, Inserm, Lille, France

Neuroprotective potential of chronic rapeseed oil diet evaluated by audiogenic seizures test in magnesium-deficient mice
Dr N. Pages, Dr P. Maurois ; University of Paris XI, France

The fatty acid binding proteins (FABPs) of brain and their potential as neurobiochemical markers of brain damage.

Pr F. Spener, University of Graz, Austria

Conférence Chevreul

Regulation by diet of brain and liver metabolism of nutritionally essential polyunsaturated fatty acids
Dr S. Rapoport Chief, Brain Physiology and Metabolism Section, National Institute on Aging, NIH, Bethesda, USA


• Polar lipids : n-3 PUFA carriers for membranes and brain : Nutritional interest and emerging processes
Pr M. Parmentier, Pr M. Linder, Pr J. Fanni, ENSAIA, Nancy, France

Production of very long-chain n-3 and n-6 PUFAs in plants.
Dr A. Abbadi, NPZ-Lembke, Holtsee, Germany

Structured phospholipids as vehicles of DHA and neuroprotectin D1

Pr M. Lagarde, Dr M. Picq, Dr S. Michaud, Pr A. Douteau, Pr M. Guichardant, Inserm and Insa-Inserm, Lyon, France

Anne Le Guillou